Thomas Mann Square
The Thomas Mann Platz was laid out in 2007/08.
It is one of the coldest places on the Schatzalp. In some years the snow lies until the end of May.
Thomas Mann knew Karl Foerster and was enthusiastic about Foerster’s Larkspur (Delphinium) breeds. Delphiniums come from the mountains and thrive particularly well here.
Foerster was already in 1894, before the sanatorium was built, to go sledging on the Schatzalp. In the spirit of Foerster’s ”Harp and Timpani”, a small collection of rhubarb (Rheum) joins the delphinium in this garden. Further analogies to the cool Thomas Mann place were found in South Africa. Torch lilies bloom in October, often with snow caps, in this much-visited square.